Cabin Xplora + L200 single cab.

  • Hi uro-campers,

    as far as I can see you are not using any wood in the walls of your new cabin - is this true? Only in the frame of the roof? And: your sandwichplates seem to be gel-coated, so you do not use polyurea-lining any more? Completly change in production style?

    best regards

    die nächsten Festivitäten in

    03.-05.05.2024: Leerkabinen-Treffen

    erstes Juni-WE (07.-10.06.2024): Weinfest - Stellplatz nicht nutzbar

    dritter Sept.-Samstag (21.09.2024): Weinprobe in den WeinbergenStellplätze und V+E vorhanden! Bei Fragen eMail/PN an mich

  • Zitat von Leerkabinen-Wolfgang

    Hi uro-campers,

    as far as I can see you are not using any wood in the walls of your new cabin - is this true? Only in the frame of the roof? And: your sandwichplates seem to be gel-coated, so you do not use polyurea-lining any more? Completly change in production style?

    best regards

    Everything remains as before. We use wood in the corners. When the cabin is finished we will apply the polyurethane polymer.
    Now we are finishing this other car that will go to Germany. You can see the polymer layer.

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